It felt all too familiar. So much so, thinking about it hurt. Different faces, different voices, same events. The initial curiosity, overtaken by the intense getting-to-know-each-other period, finally found itself completely overshadowed by the inevitable cooling off. What did happen? Memories were made, the kinds every single human being craves for. And then, memories were made, memories the kinds of which serve as daggers that clutch and claw at the hearts that made them; navigating this sea of memories is what human life is all about. Relishing the good ones, trying to ignore the bad ones and not getting stuck for too long with any kind. The unfortunate fact that good times don't last forever is something we, as human beings, have no control on. But then, if they did last forever, will they be appreciated the way they are now? Will it not become an exercise in futility?
An example is the rose. Take away the thorns and it's life is all rosy (get it, folks). At least until every herbivore ever helps itself to a bite of very tasty rose plant stem. The rose.. it sort of died, didn't it? There are several such analogies. Gravity, for one.. and then there's friction. They all are extremely unpleasant at times but are absolutely necessary in others - while the absence of thorns does make the rose more attractive, it also ultimately results in it's death'. Bear the scars your daggers make with pride, they belay things that are best left unsaid. They keep us grounded. They are our anchors. Anchors to this life, anchors to who we are and anchors to what we do. Hiding them is like performing plastic surgery - the odds are heavily stacked against you and we all know how botched plastic surgery works out -
Here's a toast to the amazing human beings that give me reason to live, good memories to reminisce about when the going's rough and for making me ME.
Realise this, and 2020 won't be like 2020. (Last line: reference to Apple's 1984 ad titled. '1984'

Photo by Dean Rose on Unsplash


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